Support Our NHS Members

Support Our NHS Members

NHS Union Members

NHS Union Members, Support Our NHS Members

NHS Union Members

The NHS was born was 5 July 1948. On that day, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, opticians, dentists and hospitals came together for the first time as one giant UK-wide organisation. It is now Trafford general hospital and is known as “the birthplace of the NHS” as the first NHS hospital. NHS Union members get a voice with us. Lets support them to get fairer pay and working conditions.

Workers Union salutes returning NHS workers

The Workers Union has issued a heart-felt thanks to the many healthcare workers who returned to the profession during lockdown.

The statement was made as some areas of the country prepared to face localised lockdowns.

The Chief Spokesman for The Workers Union, said: ‘As a nation we are indebted to healthcare workers everywhere.

‘In April, at the height of the crisis, 20,000 former NHS staff returned to help out on the frontline. The fact that these people were prepared to put their lives at risk to help others is a testament to their bravery.’

‘In recent days we’ve seen a spike in cases in some parts of the country. It hardly needs emphasising that this is unwelcome when the UK is already facing a long road to recovery. We may need more stringent measures to suppress the transmission of the virus. And we may need to make fresh demands on the compassion, commitment and resourcefulness of healthcare staff. So let’s get behind them as a nation and give them the respect, remuneration and resources they deserve.’

A view from the frontline

The Workers Union supports people from all professions and all sectors of the British economy. We are proud to count many NHS workers amongst our members. One of them agreed to speak to us about why they returned to nursing.

‘I was a nurse at a hospital in Hampshire. Originally I left the National Health Service because I was burnt out by the constant demands and political tinkering. I spent some years working part-time before the world was turned upside-down at the start of this year.

‘As soon as the call went out to ex-healthcare professionals I knew I had to go back. So many people were suffering and the NHS was in danger of being overwhelmed. Yes it was stressful, and yes there were problems – not least the shortage of PPE. But I haven’t regretted it for one minute.

‘I would urge anyone with the right skills and experience to consider returning. Just be prepared and join a union to make sure your rights are respected.’

The Workers Union is Britain’s fastest growing union. We’re here for you wherever you work and whatever you do. To find out more about the benefits of joining our family, visit the ‘why join’ page.

The Workers Union – supporting frontline care workers everywhere’. See comments about box and bar.

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