Huge support for Government’s plan to boost workers’ rights

Huge support for Government’s plan to boost workers’ rights

Workers' Rights - Huge support for Government's plan to boost workers' rights

Workers' Rights - Huge support for Government's plan to boost workers' rights

Workers' Rights - Huge support for Government's plan to boost workers' rights

A recent poll conducted by Opinium has unveiled substantial public backing for the government’s plan to enhance workers’ rights. This survey, involving 3,129 UK adults and conducted between the 5th and 10th of July 2024, reflects overwhelming support for Labour’s proposed measures aimed at improving workers’ rights and addressing “bad boss” exploitative employment practices.

Central to Labour’s proposal is the introduction of a “genuine” living wage, the cessation of fire-and-rehire practices, and the provision of employment rights from the first day of employment. These measures have resonated strongly with the public, as evidenced by the poll results.

Key Findings of the Poll

The Opinium poll highlights several significant findings:

  • Real Living Wage: An impressive 77% of voters in 2024 support the idea of transforming the national minimum wage into a real living wage. This change is aimed at ensuring that workers earn enough to meet their basic needs without having to rely on state benefits.
  • Day One Employment Rights: Nearly 64% of respondents support the right to protection from unfair dismissal starting from day one of employment. This policy is designed to offer greater job security to employees from the moment they start their job.
  • Statutory Sick Pay: Approximately 69% of those surveyed back the proposal to make statutory sick pay (SSP) available from the first day of sickness. This measure seeks to provide immediate financial support to workers who fall ill, preventing them from facing financial hardship during their recovery.
  • Ban on Fire-and-Rehire: The practice of fire-and-rehire, where employers dismiss staff only to rehire them on less favourable terms, has long been criticized by workers’ rights advocates. The poll indicates that 66% of voters support banning this practice, aligning with The Workers Union’s longstanding stance against it.
  • Zero-Hours Contracts: Zero-hours contracts, which offer no guaranteed hours of work, have been a point of contention for many workers. The poll shows that 67% of voters back the abolition of these contracts, a position The Workers Union has advocated for tirelessly.

Expert Insights

Adam Drummond, Research Director and Partner at Opinium, commented on the findings, stating: “There’s strong support for pro-worker policies we tested, including the living wage, unfair dismissal protection, sick pay from day one, and banning zero-hours contracts and the practice of fire and rehire. These results indicate a clear public demand for stronger worker protections.”

The Workers Union Says…

“The Workers Union has been a vocal supporter of these reforms. The union’s leadership believes that the government’s willingness to implement these policies will significantly enhance the quality of life for millions of workers across the UK.”

These findings are a testament to the widespread public desire for better worker protections. We have always championed the need for a fairer working environment, and this poll should give ministers the green light to implement these essential reforms without delay. The Workers Union stands firmly behind these initiatives, advocating for immediate action to improve the working conditions and security of workers nationwide.

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