Data Subject Access Requests

What is a Data Subject Access Request (DSAR)?

A Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) is a legal right that individuals have under data protection laws to request access to the personal information that an organization holds about them. By submitting a DSAR, you can obtain not only the data itself but also additional information on how the data is processed, stored, and shared.

Why Would You Submit a DSAR?

You may want to submit a DSAR for several reasons:

  1. To verify the accuracy of the personal data held about you.
  2. To understand the types of data being processed.
  3. To check if your data is being used lawfully.
  4. To exercise your right to correct or erase data.

How to Submit a DSAR to Your Employer

Step 1: Identification and Writing

Begin by identifying the data you are interested in. Next, write a formal letter or email to your employer, specifying your request. You can also use online DSAR forms if your employer provides them.

Step 2: Include Proof of Identity

Include necessary documents that prove your identity, as the organization must verify you are the data subject.

Step 3: Submitting Your Request

Send your request by certified mail, or via secure email, ensuring you have proof of submission.

Follow-Up Actions

What to Expect

Upon receiving your DSAR, the organization has one calendar month to respond under most data protection laws. They may either provide you with the requested data or request an extension, explaining the reason.

If No Response

If you haven’t received a response within a month, it is advisable to follow up with a formal reminder. Keep records of all correspondence.

If Unhappy with the Outcome

Should you find the data provided incomplete or incorrect, or if your request is denied, you may have legal avenues to challenge the decision, which often involve escalating the complaint to a supervisory authority.


Submitting a DSAR empowers you with the knowledge and control over your personal data. It is crucial to understand this right and the procedures to exercise it. Regularly updating yourself on changes in data protection laws will also keep you a step ahead. Understanding and actioning a DSAR is not just a right but a tool for transparency and accountability between you and your employer.

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