Grievance Procedure
Grievances at work are concerns, problems, or complaints raised by a staff member. If you’re in the UK and face challenges in your workplace, it’s essential to understand the process of raising a grievance. This page offers guidance on how to do just that.
What is a grievance at work?
A grievance at work refers to any concern, complaint, or issue that an employee has regarding their workplace, colleagues, or superiors. These issues might range from workplace harassment to disputes about pay or conditions.
Reasons to file a grievance at work:
- Workplace Harassment: If you feel you’re being bullied or harassed by colleagues or superiors.
- Discrimination: Experiencing discrimination based on gender, age, race, religion, or any other protected characteristic.
- Pay and Conditions: Discrepancies or disputes related to wages, work hours, or other contractual obligations.
- Safety Concerns: If the working conditions pose a threat to your health and safety.
- Retaliation: If you believe you’re being treated unfairly because you’ve raised concerns or whistleblown on certain issues.

How to Raise a Grievance At Work
- Informal Discussion: Begin with an informal discussion with your immediate supervisor or manager. This step can resolve many grievances without escalating them.
- Formal Grievance: If the informal approach doesn’t yield results:
- Write a formal grievance letter. Mark it “Private and Confidential” Clearly state the nature of your grievance, provide any evidence you have, and describe how you’d like the issue resolved.
- Submit this letter to your HR department or the designated person in your organisation.
- Grievance Meeting:
- Your employer should arrange a formal meeting, allowing you to discuss your grievance in detail. It’s advisable to have a colleague or other support with you during this meeting.
- After the meeting, your employer should provide a decision in writing, explaining the outcome of the grievance and any actions taken.
- Appeal: If you’re not satisfied with the outcome:
- You have the right to appeal. This appeal should be made in writing, specifying the reasons for your dissatisfaction.
- An appeal meeting should be arranged, similar to the initial grievance meeting, and you will receive a written decision afterward.
Tips for navigating the grievance process:
- Documentation: Keep records of all communications and evidence related to your grievance. This can be crucial for validation.
- Stay Professional: Always approach the grievance process professionally. Avoid becoming confrontational or overly emotional.
- Seek Support: Consider seeking advice from your union, legal counsel, or any related organizations for support and guidance.
Addressing grievances at work is essential for maintaining a healthy and productive working environment. Understanding your rights and the process of raising a grievance will empower you to address concerns effectively and professionally. Always remember, you have the right to a fair and safe workplace, and raising a grievance is a step towards ensuring that.