July 6, 2021
4 day working week

Should a 4-Day Working Week Trial Be Considered in UK?

Should a 4-Day Working Week Trial Be Considered in UK? A 4-day week trial run by Reykjavik City Council has been described as an ‘overwhelming success’
July 2, 2021
Union Supports Furlough for ‘Most in Need’

Union Supports Furlough for ‘Most in Need’

Union Supports Furlough for ‘Most in Need’. The Workers Union has issued a statement supporting a furlough extension for those ‘most in need’.
June 29, 2021
Union Stands Up for Shop Workers

Union Stands Up for Shop Workers

The Workers Union has issued a strong statement of support for shop workers. The committee argue that attacks on shop workers should be made a criminal offence.
June 24, 2021
Better Access to Self-Isolation Pay

Union Calls for Better Access to Self-Isolation Pay

Union Calls for Better Access to Self-Isolation Pay. The Workers Union has called for better access to self-isolation pay for affected workers.
June 22, 2021
Nation to ‘Look After’ its bus drivers

Union Calls for Nation to ‘Look After’ its bus drivers

The Workers Union is calling for the nation to look after its brave bus drivers by making sure they receive appropriate protection from COVID-19.
June 18, 2021
Union Urges Employers to Protect Vulnerable Staff

Union Urges Employers to Protect Vulnerable Staff

Union Urges Employers to Protect Vulnerable Staff. The Workers Union is urging employers to protect vulnerable staff from the risk of contracting COVID-19
June 17, 2021
Government to Make Care Home Jabs Compulsory

Government to Make Care Home Jabs Compulsory

Government to Make Care Home Jabs Compulsory. The government is set to pass new legislation to make COVID jabs for care home workers
June 14, 2021
Cash Boost for Brilliant NHS

Union calls for Cash Boost for ‘Brilliant NHS’

Union calls for Cash Boost for ‘Brilliant NHS’. The Workers Union is calling for a cash boost for the NHS. Without the NHS during peak COVID
June 10, 2021
Union Backs New Workers’ Rights Watchdog

Union Backs New Workers’ Rights Watchdog

Union Backs New Workers’ Rights Watchdog. Workers Union is backing the government’s new workers’ rights watchdog. Union stands up for working people
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