November 23, 2021
Union Calls for ‘privacy legislation’ for home workers

Union Calls for ‘privacy legislation’ for home workers

Union Calls for ‘privacy legislation’ for home workers. Workers need red lines in place, backed by legislation, to protect them from being
November 22, 2021
Boost Recycling for Green Jobs Says Report

Boost Recycling for Green Jobs Says Report

Boost Recycling for Green Jobs Says Report. A new report published by Green Alliance says the UK must build up domestic recycling of valuable metals in...
November 16, 2021
The Workers Union Supports BTEC Rethink

The Workers Union Supports BTEC Rethink

Workers Union Supports BTEC Rethink. The Workers Union is supporting the government’s move to rethink its policy on the defunding of BTEC qualifications...
November 12, 2021
‘Controls’ on Monitoring Worker Performance

Union Calls for ‘Controls’ on Monitoring Worker Performance

Union Calls for ‘Controls’ on Monitoring Worker Performance. The Workers Union is calling for controls on monitoring performance at work...
November 10, 2021
Compulsory Vaccinations for Frontline Healthcare Staff

Compulsory Vaccinations for Frontline Healthcare Staff

Compulsory vaccinations for frontline healthcare staff. Frontline healthcare workers must receive compulsory vaccinations in a recent mandate...
November 2, 2021
Percentage of Low Paid Jobs Hits Record Low

Percentage of Low Paid Jobs Hits Record Low

Percentage of Low Paid Jobs Hits Record Low. ONS revealed that 14.2 percent of jobs were considered to be low-paid when hourly rates were taken into consideration
October 27, 2021
Better Mental Health Aid

Union Backs ‘Better Mental Health Aid’ for Construction Workers

Union backs ‘better mental health aid’ for construction workers. The Workers Union is backing better mental health aid for construction workers.
October 27, 2021
Government Sanctions Increase to Minimum Wage

Government Sanctions Increase to Minimum Wage

The government has announced that it has accepted the recommendations of the Low Pay Commission and will increase the National Minimum Wage
October 21, 2021
Union Supports ‘Balanced’ COVID Response Plan

Union Supports ‘Balanced’ COVID Response Plan

Union Supports ‘Balanced’ COVID Response Plan. The Workers Union is supporting a balanced approach to responding to the resurgence in Coronavirus cases.
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