Panel Application for Solicitors

Benefits of Joining the Workers Union Legal Panel


Joining the Workers Union Legal Panel offers unique advantages to your law firm, unlocking unprecedented opportunities for growth and influence.

As a member of this esteemed panel, your firm will gain access to a vast network of potential clients, enhancing your market exposure significantly. You’ll represent members of the workers union, providing legal counsel for various issues, thus diversifying your practice areas and bolstering your professional profile.

Furthermore, collaboration with the Union ensures regular work flow, facilitating consistent revenue. Moreover, the union’s commitment to providing fair legal representation aligns with a socially responsible law practice, contributing to your firm’s reputation as a pillar of justice in the community.

This prestigious, limited time affiliation invitation marks your firm as a committed defender of workers’ rights, elevating your standing in the legal landscape. We don’t often open our panel, however, if you believe your firm has what it takes then we encourage you to apply below and complete the “Panel Application”

This application for panel membership to “The workers Union” will be treated in the strictest of confidence.

Please complete in full and submit. If your application is accepted, one of our panel team will reach out directly to you.

Panel Application for Solicitors

This application for panel membership to “The workers Union” will be treated in the strictest of confidence. Please complete in full and return accordingly.

(All * fields are required.)

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    Once we have received your application a senior representative will contact you to discuss your suitability. Please ensure any additional information you provide is verifiable.

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