A Different Union For NHS Workers
The NHS is the jewel in the crown of the UK’s public services. For 74 years it has met the aspirations of its founding fathers and provided high quality healthcare from the “cradle to the grave.”
The key ingredients in this success story are the thousands of dedicated healthcare professionals that deal with patients every day. These brave, committed people work tirelessly to deliver standards of health unknown to previous generations. Their efforts can truly be said to be emblematic of all that’s best about Britain.
But the future of the NHS is in doubt. From the strains placed on the service by the pandemic, to NHS pay awards, inflation and staff burnout, there are multiple issues to contend with. At times like this, NHS workers need to know there’s an organisation that cares about them and their struggles.
The Workers Union is that organisation.
If you are looking for the best union for NHS staff, then you’ve come to the right place. We are wholly dedicated to protecting the rights of individual workers. We do not engage in collective negotiations and neither do we employ networks of reps. We do not operate out of flashy offices or spend all our time posturing in the media. We exist to help and advise working people on an individual basis.

Connecting you with experts
In the modern world, relying on old ways of connecting is a failure of vision. Our members know that phone calls and emails are unnecessary. Once you join our family, you will have access to your own digital dashboard where you can request a callback from one our experts.
That’s it…no fuss and no bother. And best of all, basic membership is free, after which members can upgrade to full membership from as little as 27 pence a day.
The Workers Union Difference…
As the 21st century moves towards its first quarter, it is becoming more important than ever to make employee assistance accessible and affordable. The Workers Union continually invests in powerful, flexible digital technology that empowers individual workers. Where we lead, others follow. That’s the Workers Union difference.
So, if you’re worried about your job and how your boss is treating you, join The Workers Union. We’ve already assisted many people just like you with issues ranging from NHS minimum wage to bullying and intimidation.
For more information about how we can help you, visit our Why Join page.